Miguel Moreira da Silva is the Managing Partner of Wiimer. He is a Portuguese senior manager and data & AI expert, with a solid trackrecord at energy, environment, mobility, retail and technology industries.
Moreira da Silva holds a Doctor degree in Sustainable Energy Systems from the MIT Portugal program at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) and is a chartered Electrical and Computer Engineer (FEUP). In 2013, Moreira da Silva was selected one of the 100 "Future Energy Leaders", by the World Energy Council, and in 2019 has joined the Global Panel of the MIT Technology Review.
Before founding Wiimer, Doctor Moreira da Silva held top management roles at several multinational companies. He led diverse and multicultural teams from different geographies.
Moreira da Silva set up and developed analytics, R&D and strategic planning departments at REN (power & gas utility) and Sonae MC (food retailer), where he tested and implemented complex AI models, BigData infrastructure and digital systems. He has also developed consulting and product management at technology corporations, namely Itron and Iskraemeco.
Besides the management and engineering activity, Moreira da Silva served as Deputy to Portugal's Minister for Environment and Sea (where we advised the government on climate policy, clean technology and regulation of the water and waste services). Doctor Moreira da Silva lectured Power Systems Engineering at IST – University of Lisbon and has also collaborated with INESC-TEC in advance analytics training for energy industry professionals.
Within the scope of his research activity, Moreira da Silva has published and presented several works in the fields of energy planning, asset management, energy storage, electric mobility and smart grids. He has recently published the book "Power and Gas Asset Management", by Springer.